EXAM 4.0 Project approved
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The Excelent Advanced Manufacturing -EXAM 4.0- project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission has been approved.
The Excellent Advanced Manufacturing 4.0 – EXAM 4.0 project aims at setting up five European regional Skills Ecosystems that bring together VET/HVET centres, companies, policy makers and the individual (student, learner, job seeker…) in order to identify and define future skills needs in the Advanced Manufacturing (AM onwards) sector.
hrough its partners, associated and affiliated partners, the EXAM 4.0 HUB is gathering a network of 11 VET/HVET centres, 3 Companies and 16 regional, national and European stakeholders representing the six European Countries of Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Belgium and Sweden and contributing with a different but complementary degree of experience in the identification of skills needs and in the AM sector.
The partners will work together to build the EXAM 4.0 HUB as a Platform of Excellence and a common space where to:
· Support the introduction of new technological, social and environmental trends in the educative and industrial fields
· Design best approaches, methods and interventions to anticipate skills needs in the AM sector and adapt the training provision
· Support regional development and Smart Specialization Strategies by providing a portfolio of skills required to implement those strategies in the AM sector
· Develop innovative learning methodologies and implement joint initiatives and projects
· Enhance the continuing professional development of teachers and trainers by providing pedagogical and technical skills and facilitating their participation in joint research projects
· Provide business incubators for VET learners to develop their entrepreneurial skills and projects
· Incentivize the participation of women and individuals coming from disadvantage backgrounds
In addition, the EXAMS 4.0 HUB will propose a model of a VET/HVET centre 4.0. We will also design an AM Workshop 4.0 Model in terms of its infrastructure, ICT applications, tools, skills needed and working processes. Our proposal is to pilot this model in order to verify the relationship among the elements of the design.
Other important outputs include: Five regional informal networks of stakeholders. Effective protocols for transferring new knowledge to SMES. Recommendations for Policy makers. Intensive dissemination and exploitation of project results campaign
EXAM 4.0 HUB aims at becoming a reference in skills governance in the participating regions/countries and at European level. The project outputs will continue to exist once the EU funding is over. The partners will keep the Platform running and updated, incorporating new partners and initiatives. Participating institutions, Policy makers, academic authorities, VET/HVET centres, teachers and students, AM companies, associations of employers and other stakeholders will benefit from EXAM 4.0 project outputs.