Equipment Lending Service

Continuando con la labor que Tknika tiene encomendada, de promover e impulsar la innovación en la Formación Profesional, y con el fin de rentabilizar al máximo los equipamientos y recursos que dispone, se ponen a disposición de los centros de formación profesional y del profesorado de los mismos, dichos recursos, para que, a modo de préstamo puedan utilizarlos en su trabajo diario.

Furthering the work entrusted to Tknika, promoting and driving innovation in Vocational Training, and in order to make its resources and equipment as profitable as possible, vocational training centres and their teachers are lent resources so that they can use them in their day-to-day work.

The resources lent to teachers go along with projects that are already finished, as well as projects that are underway, as long as it is determined that said loan shall not affect the project’s pace.

Resources currently available

Access each of them to check their availability

Person in charge:
Gorka Gaztelumendi Garaikoetxea