

Smart VET based on High-Performance Training

In an environment where the productive fabric is in permanent transformation, and in an employment and social context of repeated restructuring, the systems of vocational training must adapt so that it becomes a form of Intelligent Vocational Training based on high-performance learning. In this way it will address current needs and emerging and unknown environments.

In the vocational training in the Basque Country, we have gone from training skilled workers capable of performing their tasks properly to producing trained professionals. These professionals, in addition to doing their job well, provide added value through other types of skill. Nevertheless, reviewing and analysing the current situation, in the face of new scenarios, makes us commit to working to produce talented professionals.

In this context, we cannot ignore the digital transformation that is taking place and its influence on the teaching-learning process. The key to this entire transformation is obvious: the human factor. And in this regard, we are focusing our efforts on the humanistic leadership skills that new professionals must have.

Dynamic professional training is therefore necessary to help people prepare for the challenging changes, and this will be achieved by systematically transforming the learning models.

In the Learning and High Performance area, we are developing learning strategies that apply the principles of critical thinking, constructive thinking and creative thinking, thus promoting the development of the new professional profile, the talented professional, emotional intelligence, creative intelligence and executive intelligence.

Finally, to enrich and reinforce this process, we have different programmes underway:
●       Ikasenpresa (development of the entrepreneurial culture)
●       Values 4.0 (vision of social transformation)
●       Steam (development of scientific thought)


* Data refers to the sum of all different levels of the implementation of the model.


The network

Research and experience show that if we want a real impact of transformative vocational education and training in the productive and social context, we must design and carry out comprehensive deployment and dissemination strategies. That is to say, extraordinary actions developed by a few vocational education and training agents are not enough, but it must be the whole universe of vocational training that must be progressively transformed and transformative. This is how we understand it through Vocational and Education Training in the Basque Country and, consequently, we have created a network environment that allows us to quickly arrive at the focal points of evolution and transformation. This action network is made up of the following structural elements:

They research and develop collaborative learning models and strategies that promote the development of skills that define the Basque VET learning model. They also design and implement transfer actions to Basque VET centres and other centres and institutions at a national and international level. This is the team of people who act as reference points for the whole model in the network.
2 - aRituak
They support and guide the Basque VET centres in the implementation and development of the learning model. Together with facilitators acting as role models, they are the closest reference points to the training centres, therefore ensuring accessibility and willingness to meet proposals.
These are people who have experience in the implementation of the model and who stand out for their capacity for analysis, contrast, and vision of the application of the different elements that define the model, as well as their ease of communication and closeness in providing Support.
They lead the process of change brought about by the Basque VET learning model in each of the centres. They are key figures and in addition to their work in the strategic design of change and promoting the action, they are the ones who have a close relationship with the teaching teams at the training centre, as well as with the people who work as aRituak and Tknika facilitators. They are the ones who keep the engine running.
They are the driving force behind the digitalisation of the learning process. They are part of the digital transformation teams, made up of figures such as the facilitator, the promoter, the coordinator of the digital transformation, the person responsible for infrastructures, and the executive management. In a situation in which we are discovering more and more quickly, the help provided by digital media in the learning process, ICT teachers anticipate, adapt, and improve educational actions through the most suitable technologies.
They promote and stimulate the entrepreneurial culture among both students and teaching staff in VET in the Basque Country through actions integrated into the learning processes. They are the guarantors and facilitators of entrepreneurial ideas being validated and having continuity.
If the primary objective of vocational education and training is the comprehensive development of the students’ skills, then it is the teachers who stimulate and guide the learning processes. That is why they are the key element without which the whole action strategy of the model would be fruitless. Through the system, we offer teachers training-action programmes (training through action) and training so that each line of research-action can be developed on the basis of a feeling of security, and the conviction that they have the necessary resources and support for their activity to be satisfying and successful.

Elements that facilitate dissemination

1 - ENOLA: Self-diagnosis of the learning model
eNOLA is a tool at the service of teacher teams to self-diagnose their situation in each cycle of the ETHAZI high performance learning model implementation process, to spot, and then later propose actions for improvement. It also acts to validate implementation of the said model in the training cycle and at the centre.
2 - ETHAZI GUNEA: Web community
The aim of ETHAZI gunea is to make everything related to the Basque VET learning model available to the entire educational community . It is a dynamic space in which the production of content by the teaching staff with the support of ICT teachers and learning coordinators is one of the vital factors. It is a tool that offers support to the Basque VET learning model in the methodological change.
3 - SET: Skills evaluation tool
SET is the tool that Tknika is offering to work on the skill evaluation focus, based on progress of the high performance learning cycles, ETHAZI. This tool was developed 8 years ago, but several improvements are constantly being added, based on suggestions sent by users. Originally, teacher teams used SET to evaluate soft skills, but today, it is normally used to evaluate specific skills, as well, and as a support for feedback that teacher teams give students. For any questions about SET, please contact:
More information: SET


Learning opportunities for teachers in response to introduction of the collaborative challenge-based learning model, ETHAZI

The offer of training for teachers (IKAS AUKERAK) must meet the needs emerging from evolution of the ETHAZI model; said evolution envisages three areas respectively associated to unified interpretation of the model, to its deployment in the school and to enriching the model with new elements taken from social and business contexts.

The area lines of action contribute blocks for building the necessary knowledge enabling teachers to introduce the ETHAZI Model to their cycles.

With the offer for the 2023/2024 school year, we continue to meet the needs of teachers, responding with a more varied and flexible range of IKAS AUKERAK options.

The IKAS AUKERAK Discover ETHAZI package aims to provide teachers with an introduction to the basic concepts and processes making up the Model. We offer three IKAS AUKERAK designed to meet different needs, referring both to teachers and to their schools. Their common denominator is being offered to teachers who have no experience with the Model.
2 - ETHAZI initiation
This IKAS AUKERA, intended to be carried out autonomously and with no time limit, has the purpose of ensuring that the participants understand the ETHAZI learning Model.
3 - ELU en el centro
ELU (ETHAZI Lehen Urratsak/First Steps) is a resource offered to schools by way of an encouragement to include it in their internal training processes. This IKAS AUKERA, strongly focussed on self-managed work and with a dynamic approach within the school itself, is designed to enable teachers to take their first steps with ETHAZI in the context of their school.
4 - EOP
EOP (ETHAZI Oinarrizko Prestakuntza) is the most ambitious IKAS AUKERA of the three. In the EOP, the participant designs a learning scenario based on the Basque VET learning model.
With the aim of obtaining the ability to inspire creative thinking and therefore the capacity to offer ideas that lend value to the solving of challenges, we have developed IKAS AUKERA SORGIM, with the focus on training flexibility (the ability to change one’s line of thought), fluidity (the ability to produce multiple ideas), and originality (the ability to make ideas innovative, capable of contributing value and feasible).
7 - Managing teams through parallel thinking
The aim is for teachers to apply Parallel Thinking as a back-up tool for the collaborative and constructive work of students learning based on solving the ETHAZI challenges.
8 - Techniques to help students to identify challenges and concepts
The aim is for teachers to recognise dynamics that help students to identify challenges and concepts when solving the ETHAZI challenges.
9 - Dynamics for use when students need ideas
The aim is for teachers to recognise dynamics that help the students to come up with ideas when solving the ETHAZI challenges.
10 - Training on how to be original
One of the main characteristics of setting creative thinking in motion is to effortlessly come up with a wide variety of ideas; however, these ideas acquire greater value when they are original. Having one’s own ideas is a natural ability that sets us apart and can be learned by developing the imagination, playing with the senses, using fantasy, moving away from the obvious. Taking an innovative approach, focused on disruptive actions, we prompt training actions that encourage originality.
12 - Learning Coordinator
This is a training programme whose main aim is to provide participants (future learning coordinators) with the skills required to lead the change of model in their respective schools. The core skills worked on are:
– The learning coordinator introduces the ETHAZI Model adapted to their own school
– The learning coordinator creates their own leadership style according to the ETHAZI Model to enable its implementation in the school
The programme has three training areas:
– Communication and people
– ETHAZI, the high-performance learning model
– Outlook and project
Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of the Basque VET system and a skill to be developed by people, both for the labour market and for all areas of life: it fosters change and innovation, with clearly defined objectives and motivation for a successful outcome. Our offer corresponds to several teacher profiles.
14 - Ikastraining I
Ikastraining I is intended for Vocational Education & Training teachers who have recently joined the Ikasenpresa programme. Ikasenpresa is an innovative educational project conceived to acquire the skills of entrepreneurs through the Company and Entrepreneurship module. It therefore employs an active, innovative and practical methodology.
15 - Elkar&Ekin
Elkar@eKIN Formakuntza is intended for Basque VET teachers wishing to work on entrepreneurship from a cycle perspective. The objective of this training is to work on entrepreneurship from the cycle perspective, and for teachers to plan and obtain further knowledge of the entrepreneurial culture, always from the Basque VET learning model.
16 - Elkar&Ekin in greater depth
Elkar@eKIN Sakontzen is intended for all teachers in a cycle. Its objective is to show them how to work on entrepreneurship from a cycle perspective. It is important to work on entrepreneurship from the cycle perspective, to prepare a plan for working on the subject throughout the cycle and to study the entrepreneurial culture in greater depth, always based on the Basque VET model. The initiative will consist of offering a variety of training pills depending on the cycle team.
17 - Ikastraining II
Ikastraining II is training for Ikasenpresa VET teachers designed to meet needs as they are detected. The aim of this training is to enable Basque VET teachers to obtain deeper insight of the entrepreneurial culture based on the Basque VET model.
18 - 4.0 VALUES
It is important to consider how we want to work on professional skills in the cycles. If we want our students to have a solid ethical basis as individuals and professionals, we must also work with them to include these values in the cycles.
19 - VALUES 4.0 in the Learning Model
The aim of this IKAS AUKERA is to include 4.0 VALUES in the training cycles worked on in the Basque VET learning model. It develops the following skills:
– Including 4.0 values in the ETHAZI aspect of the cycle.
– Engagement with the 4.0 Values project.
20 - Developing 4.0 VALUES
This programme of talks is for teachers who have received training in 4.0 VALUES and want to further their knowledge, share their doubts when incorporating said values and learn by sharing experiences. The idea is to stabilise the perspective of 4.0 Values in the cycle: interculturality, professional ethics and corporate social responsibility are some of the subjects addressed.
21 - STEAM
We are immersed in the fourth industrial revolution, where we will use advanced technologies. It is important to stimulate curiosity and scientific-technological vocations in our students, thereby enabling them to tackle the challenges of the future thrown at them by society.
STEAM education will allow our students to acquire 21st century skills, scientific skills and culture, which they will need independently of whether or not their professional future follows the path of science and technology.
22 - Why and what is a STEAM challenge?
This IKAS AUKERA introduces teachers to the elements of the Basque VET STEAM model. It develops the following skill:
– Using the STEAM focus to design challenges.
23 - Working with STEAM skills
This IKAS AUKERA provides teachers with initial experiences in a variety of technologies: additive manufacturing, laser cutting, electronics and Big Data. The aim is to put the STEAM pathway into practice based on the concept of “maker”. The skill worked is:
– Understanding that 4.0 technology can be worked across all challenges.
The various IKAS AUKERAK options offered by this line of work would like to see teachers go more deeply into the assessment aspect of the ETHAZI model; we therefore offer tools for the design and introduction of effective assessment strategies to the cycles by their teachers. Although these options are offered as independent training actions, they lend continuity to one another, helping to achieve the goal.
25 - Awareness raising workshop
This IKAS AUKERA offers the keys to understanding assessment within the ETHAZI model. The skills worked on are:
– Changing the way they teach to bring it into line with the ETHAZI model.
– Helping teachers to view training assessment as an instrument for learning development.
– Helping the teachers in the cycle to understand the numerous elements involved in assessment and relations (such as skills, achievements and indicators, facts, scoring criteria, feedback, grades, etc.).
26 - Workshop on design of the learning roadmap
This IKAS AUKERA helps to design the skills learning roadmap. The skills worked on are:
– Changing the way they teach to bring it into line with the ETHAZI model.
– Understanding the process in order to define the skills.
– Defining the skills associated to their training cycle.
– Creating the scoring criteria for skills in the term or cycle, with their levels and indicators for achieving them, as a reference for learning by students.
27 - Workshop on design of the learning strategy: reflection and feedback
Reflection and feedback are two important tools in the ETHAZI Model assessment approach. Understanding the relationship between reflection, feedback and commitments helps teachers to create an effective assessment strategy. These are the skills worked on in this IKAS AUKERA:
– Changing the way they teach to bring it into line with the ETHAZI model.
– Teachers include moments of reflection, feedback and the acquisition of learning commitments in the challenges.
– Reflection as a tool to make the students responsible for and conscious of their learning.
– The teachers, with the students, monitor the evolution of the technical and cross-curricular skills.
28 - From skills assessment to the qualification of modules
This IKAS AUKERA offers the keys to working on relationships between skills, scoring criteria and achievement indicators. These are the skills worked on:
– Changing the way they teach to bring it into line with the ETHAZI model.
– Teachers can tell the difference between assessment focused on learning and qualification.
– They establish traceability of the qualification, and only issue grades at the end of the year.


Advising on the diagnosis, design, development, and deployment of learning models

Experience has shown us that strategies for transforming learning models do not obtain adequate results when they are not adapted. We have a model that works and has the adaptability required for current circumstances. Our vision of vocational education and training, and of education in general, dictates that learning models should be shared, and going a step further, should even be brought closer to those who wish to transform their systems. Therefore, it is part of our philosophy to offer personalised services to entities of different kinds within the scope of our expertise, i.e. within the framework of high-performance learning in vocational education and training. We offer this service both nationally and internationally.


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