Composites course completed

 In About Tknika, Technological innovation and intelligent systems

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During the 5th, 7th and 8th of July it took place the transfer course of the composites area of Tknika. In this course, in which teachers from different vocational training centres have participated, concepts of the most common composite materials (carbon fibres, glass, linen, organosheets… and polyester resins, vinylester, epoxy, …) have been acquired and different manufacturing processes have been practised:i n the Tknika workshop, manual lamination with and without vacuum, infusion and RTM were carried out, while in Lea Artibai, in collaboration with Leartiker, organosheets were moulded using thermoplastic over-injection.

This course marks the end of the project and the area of specialisation related to composite materials. The materials developed over the last few years will be available to VET teachers in the materials section of this website. We would like to thank the collaborating teachers from the Aretxabaleta Lanbide Eskola, Bidasoa and Lea Artibai schools for their work.