International Project Management Course

 In About Tknika, Internationalisation

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Yesterday (13/12/2017) Tknika  started the training course on  International Project Management aimed at the VET providers of the Basque Country. The event took place in Iurreta Institutua.

The course was attended by 23 teachers from 21 different VET centres. The commitment and compromise of the Basque VET with the internationalisation are evident, specially taking into account that they attended the course out of working hours.

The attendees to the course were: Eduardo Aginako (ANDRA MARI),  Naiara Aranbarri (XABIER ZUBIRI-MANTEO), Javier Aretxederreta (ESCUELA DE HOSTELERIA), Mará Jesús Ayestarán (IMH), Ana Barturen (IURRETA), Sonia Bilbao (OTXARKOAGA), Isabel de las Heras (PLAIAUNDI), Garazi Egiguren (TOLOSAKO INMAKULADA IKASTETXEA), Amaia Galarza (HERNANI), Igotz Gallastegi (MUTRIKU), Olatz Idigoras (DON BOSCO), Xabier Iruretagoiena (FADURA), Andoni Jiménez (IURRETA), Alaitz Kristobal (MIGUEL ALTUNA), Jon Artola (DON BOSCO), Juan Luis Nazabal (TOLOSALDEA), Luis Nogales (MENDIZABALA), Rosa Núñez (ZABALBURU), Joseba Ramos (GOIERRI), Unai Sinde (ALMI), Rosana Uribe (TARTANGA) and Tanya Van Daele (CINEMA AND VIDEO).