Identification of mature developments in the field of artificial intelligence and search for opportunities for their application in the VET environment.

This project belongs to: Technological innovation and intelligent systems

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence is being presented as the discipline that will be capable, in the near future, of ending many of society’s problems. Expectations are very high and there are more and more applications that make use, to a greater or lesser extent, of Artificial Intelligence methods.

However, we are aware that not all problems require artificial intelligence to be treated, nor are the available AI methods valid for everything. That is why it is important to analyze the application of AI from the point of view of VET and determine how we can benefit from it.

Tknika’s Intelligent Systems area of specialization has three main objectives:

  1. Analyze the results of projects working in the field of Artificial Intelligence (computer vision, machine learning, voice processing…) in order to identify the most mature developments.
  2. Seek applications of these developments in education and industry. In this area we are taking steps to identify the degree of concentration and the emotional state of our students to give them support if necessary. We are developing tools to streamline Feedback using AI. Assistance to our students developing domain chatbots that they can use in their daily lives.
  3. We are attentive to all the legislative movements that occur around Artificial Intelligence as well as paying special attention to the ethical aspects of the use of AI in the academic field.
  4. Transfer of the knowledge acquired to VET teachers in the Basque Country, through training, webinars and other tools.

Teaching staff from the CIFP Don Bosco LHII, EIP AEG, CPIFP Somorrostro LHII and CIFP Plaiaundi LHII centers are involved in the development of the project.

Manager: Ion Hernández Nogal

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