In an environment where the productive fabric is in permanent transformation, and in an employment and social context of repeated restructuring, the systems of vocational training must adapt so that it becomes a form of Intelligent Vocational Training based on high-performance learning. In this way it will address current needs and emerging and unknown environments.
In the vocational training in the Basque Country, we have gone from training skilled workers capable of performing their tasks properly to producing trained professionals. These professionals, in addition to doing their job well, provide added value through other types of skill. Nevertheless, reviewing and analysing the current situation, in the face of new scenarios, makes us commit to working to produce talented professionals.
In this context, we cannot ignore the digital transformation that is taking place and its influence on the teaching-learning process. The key to this entire transformation is obvious: the human factor. And in this regard, we are focusing our efforts on the humanistic leadership skills that new professionals must have.
Dynamic professional training is therefore necessary to help people prepare for the challenging changes, and this will be achieved by systematically transforming the learning models.
In the Learning and High Performance area, we are developing learning strategies that apply the principles of critical thinking, constructive thinking and creative thinking, thus promoting the development of the new professional profile, the talented professional, emotional intelligence, creative intelligence and executive intelligence.
Finally, to enrich and reinforce this process, we have different programmes underway:
● Ikasenpresa (development of the entrepreneurial culture)
● Values 4.0 (vision of social transformation)
● Steam (development of scientific thought)
* Data refers to the sum of all different levels of the implementation of the model.
Research and experience show that if we want a real impact of transformative vocational education and training in the productive and social context, we must design and carry out comprehensive deployment and dissemination strategies. That is to say, extraordinary actions developed by a few vocational education and training agents are not enough, but it must be the whole universe of vocational training that must be progressively transformed and transformative. This is how we understand it through Vocational and Education Training in the Basque Country and, consequently, we have created a network environment that allows us to quickly arrive at the focal points of evolution and transformation. This action network is made up of the following structural elements:
The offer of training for teachers (IKAS AUKERAK) must meet the needs emerging from evolution of the ETHAZI model; said evolution envisages three areas respectively associated to unified interpretation of the model, to its deployment in the school and to enriching the model with new elements taken from social and business contexts.
The area lines of action contribute blocks for building the necessary knowledge enabling teachers to introduce the ETHAZI Model to their cycles.
With the offer for the 2023/2024 school year, we continue to meet the needs of teachers, responding with a more varied and flexible range of IKAS AUKERAK options.
Experience has shown us that strategies for transforming learning models do not obtain adequate results when they are not adapted. We have a model that works and has the adaptability required for current circumstances. Our vision of vocational education and training, and of education in general, dictates that learning models should be shared, and going a step further, should even be brought closer to those who wish to transform their systems. Therefore, it is part of our philosophy to offer personalised services to entities of different kinds within the scope of our expertise, i.e. within the framework of high-performance learning in vocational education and training. We offer this service both nationally and internationally.