Basque Vocational and Educational Training entrepreneurship award winners
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The winners of the XI. Edition of the Basque Vocational and Educational Training entrepreneurship awards have been:
Ikasenpresa award winners are:
Business idea:
- Irrifarreen Alde
Market investigation and marketing mix:
- Metal Extreme
Social impact, spreading and product launch campaign:
- The Cool Spoons
Sales point y merchandising:
- Klico
Future projection business idea:
- Gida Tour
Social entrepreneurship:
- Neurrira Koop.
Each winner will obtain a 500-euro coupon from FNAC.
About Irekin, the program addressed to entrepreneur teachers, there have been recognized 12 good practices, and the best of all it has been:
- “Hernani txirrindan”, developed by Aitor Zabala Ezkurra and Joana Zamora at Hernani Lanbide Heziketa: Gizarte Berrikuntzako LHII .
And finally, related with the most veteran program from the entrepreneurship area of Tknika, Urratsbat, to support the business creation, there are four different awards: three of them thanks to Obra Social “la Caixa”, and a special award to the most innovative business given by Tknika.
The winners have been:
Best innovative business
- Zuman
Beste technological business
- Argieskema
Best industrial business
- Keyway
Best social business
- Pipiskao
Each business will obtain a 2.500-euro check