Tknika is a centre promoted by the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Education and Training of the Education Department of the Basque Government.

This section is where you can find why our organisation exists; its Mission and Vision, our Values, the goals we set and our policies.

Mission, Vision and Values


To make research and applied innovation core fundamental elements of Vocational Education and Training in Euskadi, to make progress in new learning settings and processes, and to reduce the skill gap from when an idea or technology comes about until society can take advantage of it.

By means of watch and competitive intelligence, design, development, implementation and transfer of innovative products and services of high added value to Vocational Education and Training centers, and from thence, to the Through a dynamic open to collaboration and establishing alliances, fomenting the creation of networks, teamwork, creativity and sustainability.


To be THE European point of reference in applying advanced practices to transfer knowledge to the business network though vocational training centers.

  1. Membership

  2. Initiative

  3. Agility

  4. Impeccability

  5. Generosity

We are from VET (TKNIKA), we have initiative, we respond with agility, we do it well and we make it available to those who need it
Reliability, anticipation, collaboration


The future that Tknika aspires to in the short- and mid-term is to be THE European leader in the application of advanced practices in capillary transfer of knowledge to the business network, through the vocational educational training schools.

To this end, Tknika plays the role of an organization that researches and innovates in different fields for the Euskadi VET system. It intends to act as a driving element to facilitate and boost innovation developed by VET schools.

Its activity’s expected impact is focused on creating innovative knowledge that provides added value to the development of skills and knowledge (technical and cross-cutting) for teachers at schools in the Euskadi VET system, in order to be transferred through its own to different service recipients (students, companies, active workers, the unemployed, society, etc.)

Innovation Strategy

To carry out TKNIKA'S MISSION and achieve its VISION, the selected STRATEGY is:

Tknika innovates based on both incremental and disruptive focuses, always referencing knowledge currently unavailable within the Euskadi Vocational Educational Training system.

The focus of research and innovation prioritizes innovation in service (new knowledge applied to the educational offer and services at the schools), in processes (learning process), in new management models (school management), and research and innovation applied to the product (through technical-technological projects).

TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND SMART SYSTEMS The lines of research and innovation currently under development are related to the fields of Industry 4.0, Advanced Manufacturing, Automobile Technology, Energy, and Enabling Technologies. In each one of these fields, we identify the main topics of interest for Vocational Education Training and start up areas of specialization. Our objective is to master them and provide training to teachers, thereby accelerating the access of students trained in new technologies to the job market.

MANAGING COMPLEXITY The lines of research and innovation currently under development mid-term are focused on driving knowledge creation, in order to change management models at Euskadi Vocational Educational Training schools toward smart organizations that manage intelligence.

LEARNING AND HIGH PERFORMANCE/Digital transformation The lines of research and innovation that they are developing are focused on the consolidation and enrichment of the ETHAZI model, the accompaniment of the centres in the definition and deployment of the implementation strategy appropriate to their characteristics and the promotion of initiatives to have ``talented professionals`` in VET Euskadi, hence this area is being transformed into a differentiated entity. iTlent through which we want to reach even more to the Basque Vocational Training centres in the accompaniment of the ETHAZI model and talent management. Likewise, this transformation entails the design and creation of the Digital Transformation area, through which the digital transformation already initiated in the Basque Vocational Training centres will be promoted, and designed in the VI Basque Vocational Training Plan, for which different actions will be carried out.

INTERNATIONALIZATION The lines of research and innovation under development are focused on leading TKNIKA and the Vocational Educational Training schools' internationalization strategy and activities. We do this via the following actions, among others: We establish international teacher exchange programmes, encouraging the exchange of good practises. We foment active participation in leading international Vocational Educational Training networks that provide knowledge and exchange experiences. We foment international research projects under international research and innovation programmes related to Vocational Educational Training.

APPLIED INNOVATION IN STRATEGIC SETTINGS The lines of research and innovation currently under development in the area of applied innovation in strategic settings are oriented toward developing the capacity of the Basque network of Vocational Educational Training schools to drive innovation in the business network. We seek to develop new skills and attitudes necessary to consolidate change and transformation through innovation and entrepreneurial initiative, under the framework of the company participating in the learning process.

BIOSCIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY The lines of research and innovation currently under development are for Vocational Educational Training to drive a production model based on the efficient use of existing resources, broadly and comprehensively, as support for the sustainable economy that we have the obligation to build, for our own benefit and for the benefit of future generations. To this end, we are currently working on sustainable human development in social, environmental, economic, and cultural fields.

In all these fields, we are rolling out a prospective and vigilant strategy to question and constantly update lines of work under development, so as to anticipate future needs of the VET system and of VET schools and plan the construction of projects and services with the greatest added value possible.

Other fields. Another priority point is the Vice-Ministry's strategy. We participate in both its design and its roll-out. Consequently, the strategies to be developed from the vice-ministry will be modified, updated, and added to, as necessary at all times.

As a general rule, results are transferred and used openly, making them available to all interested parties, especially VET schools and their teachers. The intangible assets, knowledge and materials generated by/at TKNIKA are open and free. In specific situations at TKNIKA's discretion, the authorship and ownership over intangible goods will be protected, and/or appropriate legal means shall be used to do so.

Equality Plan

TKNIKA, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CENTRE APPLIED TO VOCATIONAL TRAINING, has defined quality management as a fundamental part of its policy and strategy, and has adopted quality-based management systems as reference models for management and organization. The main points of reference are the management model EFQM, the quality assurance system based on Standard UNE-EN ISO 9.001 and Standard UNE166002 for R+D+i management.

Tknika is a centre driven by the Vice-ministry of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education of the Basque Government which, through its work as a network, and with the implication of Vocational Training teachers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, undertakes applied research and innovation projects in technological, bio-scientific, training, and management fields.

With this plan, which was drawn up under the European Institute for Gender Equality’s guidelines, and its tool to prepare gender equality plans in Academia and Research, Tknika demonstrates its formal commitment to gender equality. It should also be noted that this commitment also exists in informal terms, since Tknika’s people foment equality within their scope of influence, their daily exchanges, and in their relations with external players.

Legal Context

There are several legal references and specific directives that promote equality between women and men in different spheres of social, economic, educational life, etc. They all aim for formal or legal equality to become real and effective equality. In a direct, local way, Law 4/2005 of 18 February for equality between women and men, is a main legal reference.

In the same fashion, since 1991, the Basque Government has demonstrated its firm commitment to equality through its Plans for Equality between Men and Women. The last plan, the 7th Plan for Equality between Women and Men in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, as well as the 8th Plan, which must be prepared for the 12th Legislature of the Basque Government, are the main technical reference in this field. Additionally, the Plan respects main regulatory standards that have been approved in our country, with a particular mention of Organic Law 3/2007 on Equality, and the most recent Royal Decree 901/2020 on Equality Plans and their Registration.

Tknika's historical track record in achieving equality has imbued its internal systems. As we will see later on, this means that a large portion of the actions set forth in the plan consist of maintaining and updating formulas and processes that have already proven effective over the years. In Europe, gender equality is a fundamental value of the Union.

Scope of Application

This Plan applies to Tknika and its people, regardless of where they conduct their activity, and its duration is planned to last five years, from September 2022 until December 2027.

Challenges and Objectives

Gender equality is a fundamental principle of the European Union, and Tknika demonstrates a firm commitment to it. In recent years, this has led to considerable progress in terms of gender equality. However, there is still work to do in different fields to reach total gender equality.

Objective 1: inclusive language

Tknika has notable external prominence, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Its presence online, on social media and in different forums, at conferences, and at webinars, has increased.

This public presence entails both an opportunity and a risk in terms of fomenting gender equality. On one hand, Tknika has the opportunity to use inclusive language to foment equality in all its communications. On the other, the use of discriminatory language can entail the risk of fomenting attitudes against gender equality.

In this regard, TKNIKA has a language policy that sets forth a commitment to use inclusive language, in addition to other points.

Objective 2: to train Tknika staff in the use of inclusive language

While it is true, as stated in the introduction, that Tknika's staff is convinced of the importance of gender equality, the centre must ensure that all staff has sufficient knowledge to be able to foment equality effectively.

In relation to objective 1 to foment the use of inclusive language, this means that Tknika shall train all staff on the use of inclusive language in all languages they use to communicate, to wit: Basque, Spanish, and English.

Objective 3: to eliminate everyday sexist microaggressions

Reducing or eliminating sexism in a formal fashion or at large public events is certainly a key step toward achieving gender equality, but it is not enough. There are other kinds of sexism, commonly known as ``microaggressions``, that must be eliminated to achieve equality.

These microaggressions are a true challenge because of how difficult it is to identify them. There are social behaviours that have been internalised into the way that people act to such an extent that they are not even aware of them.

On one hand, eliminating microaggressions means learning what they are, how to identify them and what to do to eliminate them, and on the other, modifying certain behaviours.

Objective 4: to foment the presence of women in directorial positions

According to stipulations in Decree 34/2020 of 3 March, Official Gazette of the Basque Country of 16 March 2020, Tknika has seven directorial positions. They are currently held by individuals of both genders, as follows:

Executive Director (man) / Director of the Technological Innovation and Smart Systems Department (man) / Director of the Applied Innovation in Strategic Departments Area (woman) / Complexity Management Director (man) / Director of the Bioscience and Sustainability Department (woman) / Director of the Learning and High Performance Department / Digital transformation (man) / Director of the Internationalisation Department (man)

As can be observed, five of the seven directorial positions are held by men, and only two by women. This shows a clear imbalance. Although Tknika's staff provision is covered by a services commission system, pursuant to Art. 54 of Law 6/1989 of 6 July on Basque Civil Service and Decree 185/2010 of 6 July for nonuniversity educational civil servants, and Art. 12 of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015 of 30 October for employees, and is therefore subject to public tender, guaranteeing free competition between men and women and making it impossible to include gender preferences in the profile for vacancies, Tknika shall attempt to do everything possible to improve ratios between men and women.

Objective 5: to foment the presence of women in industrial spheres

One of the challenges Tknika is facing, along with society as a whole, is that the industrial sphere is highly male-dominated, and we must improve the gender balance in it. There are several potential benefits in terms of economic competitiveness, entrepreneurship, innovation, and research that stem from better gender balance.

Tknika operates in a network with all the Vocational Educational Training centres in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and shall ensure that gender balance is fomented when forming work teams.

Objective 6: to foment the presence of men in bioscientific spheres

Something similar to the previous section occurs in bioscientific spheres, but in this case, the scale tips toward women. Biosciences have higher female presence.

Tknika operates in a network with all the Vocational Educational Training centres in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and shall ensure that gender balance is fomented when forming work teams.

Objective 7: to foment gender equality in international projects

Tknika is involved in several international projects related to innovation and research in technological, bioscientific, educational, and environmental fields. Multi-disciplinary teams work on all these projects, which entail different departments from the centre and in collaboration with foreign entities.

When appointing the people to carry out different kinds of tasks on international projects, Tknika's departments must ensure that the project teams are balanced in terms of gender.

Objective 8: collaborating with leading gender-equality initiatives

There are different local, regional, national, and international initiatives focused on fomenting gender equality. Like in all spheres, there is a great risk of attempting to fight the war on one's own, instead of joining forces with existing initiatives.

To this end, Tknika shall analyse existing initiatives that are relevant for its sphere and shall join all of them whenever appropriate.


Tknika's challenges and objectives in terms of gender are summarised in the table below:


Tknika’s public image and risk of not using inclusive language.

Tknika’s staff’s possible lack of knowledge regarding the use of inclusive language.

Sexist microaggressions are difficult to detect and eliminate.

Gender imbalance in directorial positions.

Gender imbalance in industrial spheres.

Gender imbalance in bioscientific spheres.

Possible gender imbalance in international projects.

Risk of duplicating existing initiatives.


Using inclusive language in all external communications.

Train Tknika staff in the use of inclusive language.

Train Tknika staff to detect and eliminate microaggressions.

Foment gender balance in directorial positions.

Foment gender balance on work teams in industrial spheres.

Foment gender balance on work teams in bioscientific spheres.

Foment gender balance on work teams in international projects.

Analyse and join initiatives relevant to Tknika’s work from a gender perspective.


As follows, a description in broad terms is provided on the activities that Tknika proposes to achieve the aforementioned objectives. This plan does not include a timeline because, in accordance with the centre's management system, activities are specified within the plans for departments, projects, and services.


To use inclusive language in all external communications.

To train Tknika staff in the use of inclusive language.

To train Tknika staff to detect and eliminate microaggressions.

To foment gender balance in directorial positions.

To foment gender balance on work teams in industrial spheres.

To foment gender balance on work teams in bioscientific spheres.

To foment gender balance on work teams in international projects.

To analyse and join initiatives relevant to Tknika’s work from a gender perspective.


Monitoring and rectification if discriminatory language is detected.

Annual training for all staff.

Annual training on microaggressions.

Meeting with the Vice-Ministry to explore possibilities.

Bear gender balance in mind when planning projects and services in industrial spheres.

Bear gender balance in mind when planning projects and services in bioscientific spheres.

Bear gender balance in mind when planning international projects.

Collaborate with relevant initiatives in terms of gender.


The activities set forth in this plan and achievement of objectives shall be monitored as follows:

  1. Tknika’s team of directors accepts and signs the plan.
  2. The plan is included in the centre’s strategic plan, which automatically makes it one of the centre’s strategic objectives.
  3. Activities that fall under the plan’s objectives are included in department plans, project
    plans, and services plans.
  4. The plan is monitored based on the results obtained and the indicators and goals set
    forth below:


To use inclusive language in all external communications.

To train Tknika staff in the use of inclusive language.

To train Tknika staff to detect and eliminate microaggressions.

To foment gender parity in directorial positions.

To foment gender parity on work teams in industrial spheres.

To foment gender parity on work teams in bioscientific spheres.

To foment gender parity on work teams in international projects.

To analyse and join initiatives relevant to Tknika’s work from a gender perspective.


Correction of external communications where discriminatory language is detected. Meta: 100%

Number of annual trainings. Meta: 1

Number of annual trainings. Meta: 1

Number of meetings with the Vice-ministry. Meta: 1

% of teams that include women’s participation. Meta: 40%

% of teams that include men’s participation. Meta: 40%

% of teams that include men and women’s participation. Meta: 100%

Number of initiatives with which Tknika collaborates annually. (example 8 March) Meta: 2


Innovation policy

Basque Country’s Vocational Educational Training Applied Innovation and Research Centre, Tknika, is a technical body responsible for research and applied innovation and transfer of results from R+D+i projects to the schools that provide vocational educational training in the Community of the Basque Country.

The purposes of the Basque Country’s Vocational Educational Training Applied Innovation and Research Centre, TKNIKA, are the following:

To research vocational educational training and applied innovation, encouraging the relationship with schools that provide vocational educational training and with companies, technological centers, and different university and non-university research departments.

Develop innovative projects and services to provide added value to VET schools and facilitate innovation and the ongoing improvement of the service they offer.

Build a body of innovative knowledge directly linked to VET activity in all professional families, both currently and in the future.

Transfer available knowledge to teachers at VET schools and, through them, to the different recipients of services offered (students, companies, active workers, the unemployed, society, etc.).

Train teachers at schools who provide vocational educational training on different technologies as they arise in different production sectors.

Make progress in new settings that improve different learning, management, and company relationship processes, driving internationalization of vocational educational training and developing ongoing improvement in vocational educational training.

Drive entrepreneurship with students.

In order to comply with its duties, TKNIKA shall have a team of directors consisting of an Executive Director and Department Directors, with people qualified to conduct each project and service, structured into the following areas of action:

  1. Technological innovation and intelligent systems

  2. Complexity management.

  3. Learning and high performance.

  4. Applied innovation in strategic settings.

  5. Internationalisation.

  6. Biosciences and Sustainability.

To facilitate achievement of its intended mission, TKNIKA has a comprehensive management system that includes processes and its interactions. As reference for its management system, it uses standards ISO 9001 on quality management, as well as UNE166002 on R+D+i Management, and commits to comply with the requirements set forth in these standards.

TKNIKA commits to the ongoing improvement of its R+D+i management system.

Economic Sustainability

As a public organiZation under the Basque Government’s Vice-ministry of Vocational

Training, Tknika has a will to serve society and for sustainability over time.

To this end, Tknika will always seek economic-financial viability by looking for a return (economic and/or social) on investments made in people, training, equipment, and facilities, by sharing and exploiting the results obtained in research and innovation projects and the services provided (aspect set forth in Annex VI).

Consequently, its management shall be based on efficiency and optimizing the people and resources assigned to conduct its Mission.

Tknika shall exploit all opportunities within its reach to create its own resources. Transparency and rigor are ineluctable hallmarks of Tknika’s own identity.

Continuous Improvement policy
TKNIKA, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CENTRE APPLIED TO VOCATIONAL TRAINING, has defined quality management as a fundamental part of its policy and strategy, and has adopted quality-based management systems as reference models for management and organization. The main points of reference are the management model EFQM, the quality assurance system based on Standard UNE-EN ISO 9.001 and Standard UNE166002 for R+D+i management.

More specifically, TKNIKA has adopted quality and applied innovation as an action philosophy identified in our Mission, Vision, and Values.

These Principles are rolled out through the following processes and projects:

Implementation and development of a quality management system according to Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001
Implementation and development of an innovation management system according to Standard UNE 166002
Implementation and development of an integrated quality and innovation system according to Standards UNE-EN ISO 9001 and UNE 166002
Implementation and development of an Innovation Vision, Strategy, and Policy.
Implementation of a Permanent Improvement policy.
Review of the management system and periodical process updating.
Internal and external management system audits.
Tknika declares its commitment to fulfill the requirements stipulated by the two reference standards.
Tknika also declares its commitment as an organization to permanently improve the management system.
Tknika commits to fulfill legal requirements and applicable regulations, as well as other requirements voluntarily undertaken.

Moreover, this Policy is rolled out through the annual plans by formulating and meeting objectives. These objectives are quantifiable and can be measured with indicators. All of them are quality and innovation objectives whose degree of compliance shall be periodically assessed.

The commitment to quality affects the entire organization. Everyone at Tknika accepts this commitment and their responsibility in meeting the established requirements and agrees to actively participate in improving quality.

Tknika guarantees that everyone at the organization meets the skill profiles required and that they are competent to carry out their roles. Tknika plans and carries out actions to update and improve skill levels for all its people.

Client orientation is a basic principle assumed by all people at Tknika and in all of the organization’s activity. This all takes shape in the planning, development and offering of innovative projects and services with high added value for interested parties.

Tknika’s Management provides the resources and means necessary to reach the objectives and results established.

People policy
For TKNIKA, the critical factor to successfully fulfill its Mission is the people who make up the organization. They are the ones who give added value during the project development process and with the services provided.

The hiring process begins by defining the skill profiles needed for each role/position/project/service . The intent is to find the most appropriate and competent people for the position. After this, the most competent candidate is hired. This selection and hiring process takes place under the utmost guarantee of equal opportunity and the objective scoring of merits shown. Service commissions tend to be subject to the project/service life cycle and may be renewed according to the organization’s needs.

This renewal is subject to meeting individual objectives (specified in specific roles and tasks) allotted to each individual at the beginning of each course, aligning said individual objectives with the organization’s objectives and strategies. The evaluation is the result of the assessment of the development plan.

TKNIKA establishes its internal training plans, whose objective is the skill and professional development of the people at the organization. It seeks to develop the skills that Tknika needs both today and in the future, based on criteria of anticipation, flexibility, and polyvalence.

TKNIKA’s management acknowledges the effort the people at Tknika make and the results they obtain, both as a team and individually. In any event, it declares its support for its people in carrying out their activities, maintaining a personal relationship based on total trust of the individual.

Language policy
Tknika commits to fulfilling laws in force regarding the use and development of the two official languages (Basque and Spanish).

Insofar as is possible, Tknika will attempt to adapt to the requirements and language demands of its interest groups.

To this end, both internal and external communication (meetings, messages, presentations, calls, magazines, website, etc.) will be in Basque and Spanish.

Unless for reasons beyond its control, Tknika shall use inclusive language in all its communications.

According to available resources, this focus will also be applied to materials generated in the projects performed and the services provided by Tknika.

When necessary, English shall be the third language used. In other cases (French, German, etc.), the language shall be used based on the needs of the recipient of the message.

Tknika shall facilitate improved language skills to people in said languages through its internal training plan.

Intellectual Property policy
TKNIKA identifies the tangible and intangible assets and knowledge gained in carrying out its activity.
Tknika systematically updates the inventory on these tangible and intangible assets.

For each case, TKNIKA identifies the assets to be transferred, licensed, exchanged, or delivered for use and how this will be done.

As a general rule of action, results are transferred and used openly, making them available to all interested parties, especially Euskadi VT centers and their teachers. The intangible assets, knowledge and materials generated by/at TKNIKA are open and free.

In specific situations at TKNIKA’s discretion, the authorship and property of intangible goods will be protected, and appropriate legal means shall be used to do so.

If necessary, tangible and intangible good transfer agreements will be registered in a document/contract without any ambiguity. Aspects such as the following should be included: identification of the parties, justification/explanatory memorandum, purpose of contract, definitions of the terms used (especially when they can lead to misunderstanding), remunerations, payment conditions, trademark use, duration of agreement, intellectual property protection (rights, proof of registration, authorisation of use), confidentiality/secrecy, signatures, date and place.

At all times, both Tknika and the people of which it is composed (especially those working on especially sensitive projects) shall guarantee the impartiality, lack of external influence in work, objectivity of criteria and professional action, and confidentiality of the information and knowledge created by them.