Lo sentimos, este proyecto solo está disponible en inglés.

2019, 2020, 2021



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Socios del proyecto:
UK: Trade Management Services ltd, SI: Visja strokovna sola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor, IE: MOMENTUM MARKETING SERVICES LIMITED, IE: Galway County Council, BG: Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie, DK: European E-learning Institute

Stimulating Healthy Food Service Innovation (SUSTAIN) seeks to empower food service SMEs with the innovation knowledge and skills to introduce healthy, affordable products to market, thus boosting their competitiveness and contribution to a healthier society. To ensure our approach seeks maximum reach and impact, we will provide enterprise support centres – the main source of training and support for small businesses –with the resources they need to radically improve the innovation training they provide to small food service firms. Our SMART objectives are closely linked to our project outputs:

1. Provide SMEs, VET trainers and policymakers with rigorously researched, up-to-date knowledge on the business opportunities arising from the healthy food agenda.
2. Provide food sector trainers with new resources to introduce healthy food innovation courses for their client.
3. Boost the effectiveness of the aforementioned courses and widen access to food service SME owners and employees by developing an online platform, “Healthy Food Innovation and Digitization for the Food Service Sector”
4. Widely disseminate our resources, particularly with VET and food sector policymakers to maximize uptake in the short to medium term.