This project belongs to: Internationalisation

Development of cross-border training to facilitate insertion in the Euro-regional labor market

The diagnosis of cross-border employment, published in 2018, specified that cross-border job flows are much more fragile in the Euroregion than at other EU borders. The study indicated that one of the main obstacles to worker flows was the language and that one of the main difficulties encountered was the lack of knowledge about cross-border procedures (work, taxation,…), and transport.
This generated a series of situations that penalised training and cross-border employment..
On the one hand, the population of the 3 regions is better trained than the European mean –above the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy–; however, the Basque Country and Navarre have a deficit of intermediate qualifications.
On the other hand, some companies of the 3 regions regret the lack of manpower in certain areas and businesses.
As a result of this situation, the aim of the FormaNAEN Project is to collaborate with other stakeholders in the territory in the development of a more qualified and more focussed offer, and training that adapts better to cross-border realities.
Consequently, the aim will be to have more and better trained people that will lead to an increase in cross-border jobs.
Consistent with the POCTEFA and the Euroregion strategies, the project will be geared towards the following objectives:
• Design of a cross-border training offer in cross-border administrative management (taxation, labour law, account management)
• Access to learn the neighbouring language
• Communication to improve the visibility of cross-border job opportunities.
• Strengthen professional cross-border insertion in the employment areas, above all in the car industry sector.

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