High Performance Cycles
The central element on which the whole learning model is articulated is COLLABORATIVE LEARNING BASED ON CHALLENGES.
The central element on which the whole learning model is articulated is COLLABORATIVE LEARNING BASED ON CHALLENGES.
The ETHAZI model was developed as a pilot experience in the 2013/2014 academic year in 5 both concerted and public vocational training centers in the Basque Country. In this experience took part 100 students and 25 teachers from 5 different cycles.
Currently, we have already passed the pilot phase, and we are in the phase of deployment and implementation. Our objective is that in several years, Euskadi VET centers, both public and concerted, work in this new context of learning: high performance cycles – ETHAZI.
The central element on which the whole learning model is articulated is COLLABORATIVE LEARNING BASED ON CHALLENGES.
The presentation of a problematic situation, its transformation to a challenge, as well as the whole process until obtaining a result, is structured based on both the technical and specific competences of each cycle, as well as those transversal competences that currently are strategical, such as: autonomy in learning, teamwork, orientation towards extraordinary results, digital competences, etc …
Problematic situations, in all cases, are raised to a class configured in teams, where the work process has to enable the students to live the situation as a challenge and, from there, has to have the opportunity to generate the necessary knowledge that Allow you to provide the best solutions.
The approach of the model through challenges needs a reinterpretation of the mechanics of learning. The interpretation that best fits the model, is to understand learning as a process of evolution, where the students are responsible for it. Challenge-based learning allows a scenario in which students individually and team levels are put into action and produce a result. This result is interpreted, it is analyzed what has worked and what has not, and is decided what is going to be done differently in the next challenge to approach higher objectives.
This work proposal does not fit the structural model as we have known it until now; elements such as schedules, assessments, classroom settings, etc. In their current format are no longer valid and need a re-thinking and consequent redefinition.
So that the design of challenges is as close as possible to the situations of performance in the work reality of each training cycle. This requires an in-depth analysis of professional competencies and learning outcomes of the cycle in order to improve efficiency in learning times.
Beginning to promote teamwork and responsibility from the teaching team, which is composed of a small number of members who are responsible for the complete training cycle, which through a high degree of self-management can adjust their schedules, the use of spaces, guards and substitutions, etc., to the needs that the development of student learning poses at each moment.
The same team distributes both individual and group tutorship throughout the entire cycle.
The evaluation is integrated as a key element in the students’ own learning process, providing frequent feed-back on their evolution in the degree of acquisition of the provided professional competences.
In order to enhance this evaluation approach and stimulate the participation of both teachers and students (personally and as part of teams) and other agents who can contribute to the evaluation process, the specific tool SET (Skills Evolution Tool) is been developed.
The implementation of these new methodologies requires different classrooms, equipment, furniture and specific spaces from those that usually exist in the training centers. Their design mainly addresses the characteristics of flexible, open and interconnected spaces that foster environmental situations that favor active-collaborative work.