This project belongs to: Technological innovation and intelligent systems

To respond from FP Euskadi to the long-term needs of Autonomous Robotics in the Basque Country.

In the last decade, the evolution of technology, and specifically artificial intelligence, has had an impact on robotics. The consequence of this impact is autonomous robotics, that is, robotics with an increasingly greater degree of autonomy and which, therefore, requires less and less human intervention. Examples include autonomous cars, robotic fleets for intralogistics, rescue robots or agricultural exploitation robots, among others.

To respond to the needs of robotics in the Basque Country in the medium-long term, the main objective of this Area of Specialization is to generate knowledge and training around this discipline and disseminate it among Vocational Training teachers. And to achieve this main objective, we are working on the following initiatives:

  • A new space has been set up where people can work and put into practice knowledge about different robotic technologies and equipment.
  • Initiatives are promoted to satisfy the needs identified in Vocational Training in the Basque Country. Among them, organizing courses aimed at teachers on new technologies that can be enriching or providing material resources that allow the application of new technologies.

The knowledge worked on can be classified as follows:

  • Development environments: Linux operating system, Docker containers, ROS (Robot Operating System) framework, Python programming language, etc.
  • Capture technologies: artificial vision, Lidar, artificial intelligence, etc.
  • Robotic applications: SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), probabilistic self-location algorithms (AMCL), autonomous navigation, etc.
  • Simulation and debugging environments: Gazebo, Rviz, etc.
  • Robotic platforms: Go1 Quadruped, Jetbot, JetRacer, JetAuto, Turtlebot, etc.

Teachers from the CIFP Don Bosco LHII and La Salle Berrozpe centers participate in the development of the Project.

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