Applied Innovation and Research in VET

This project belongs to: Internationalisation

The objective of AIRinVET is, after understanding existing experiences, to define the role of VET in R&D by proposing a European reference framework for AR in VET. This framework will help European countries and regions to build more competitive innovation systems.
To produce the framework, we will:

  1. Do a mapping of VET centres involved in AR in Europe and abroad.
  2. Do case studies to explain, describe, evaluate, and understand different approaches to do AR in VET.
  3. Analyse how VET AR activities can fit into different policy contexts in Europe
  4. Identify financial models of AR in VET.
  5. Create a glossary to clarify the meaning of the term “applied research”, and other terms related to R&D, in the context of VET.
  6. Identify the main barriers to engaging SMEs: What are the success factors?
  7. Create tools to develop VET staff and teachers’ mind-sets for AR.
  8. Develop a framework and work on ways of building the capacity of VET systems to work on AR projects.
  9. Co-work with established AR agents within regional innovation ecosystems


  • ISSO
  • BHH, Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg
  • Hanse Parlament
  • IMH


DISCLAIMER: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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