NIMA: Successful project in technological entrepreneurship

 In About Tknika, Applied innovation in strategic settings

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From Urratsbat we work on technological entrepreneurship in the three territories. In Araba, three awareness days are held, dedicated this last course to e-health and agricultural technologies, industry 4.0 and energy and sustainability.

As a result of this program, Azmán, an Eraiken student, presented his NIMA business idea. The idea focuses on the development of integrated biosensors capable of detecting vital signs and providing crucial information for the baby’s health, allowing the early detection of diseases. This project not only won the ideas competition, but also caught the attention of BIC ARABA’s managers. NIMA has applied for the EKINTZAILE program, which offers up to €30,000 in grants. It has also received a grant from the City of Vitoria, in the amount of €1,300, and has contacted businessmen in Saudi Arabia for future investments. On June 6, he participated in an event for young entrepreneurs in Paris.

From Urratsbat, we are proud of Azmán and wish him all the best with his NIMA project.

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