Celebrate the World Youth Skills Day with us!
Join us to celebrate the World Youth Skills day on the 15th of July at 9.30!
HETEL, one of the associations of Basque VET Centres, 5 Basque VET Centres (Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri, Cebank, Aretxabaleta Lanbide Eskola, San Viator Ikastetxea, Nazaret Ikastetxea) and Tknika have joined forces to organise a European Project Dissemination event to celebrate the World Youth Skills Day.
Mr. Rikardo Lamadrid, Director of Technology and Advanced Learning of the VET Viceministry, Department of Education, Basque Government, will open the event and welcome all the participants.
After the opening, Ms. Vera Hark, from the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, BIBB, and Mr. Tristan Cole, from UNESCO-UNEVOC, will present the BILT project. It is an honor for all of us to count on their contribution for this event.
After their presentation, participants will be split in groups to attend the presentation of the project they prefer to learn about. The options are:
- “ON TRACK”- Tracking Learning and Career Paths of VET graduates to improve quality of VET
provision- Politeknika ikastegia Txorierri. - “PROMISE”-Promoting Refugee and Migrant integration through education-. Cebanc.
- “CyVET security” – HETEL.
- “From combustion engine to electric engine”- Aretxabaleta Lanbide Eskola.
- “ New Perspectives – Gender Sensitive Approaches in Youth Work”- San Viator ikastetxea.
- “KOMPAR. Movilidad y comparación de programas formativos en el ámbito social. Nazaret ikastetxea.
- “WBL”- From birth to adult age – a WBL successful Practice!- TKNIKA.
More information about the projects could be found in our project repository.
The full programme and registration.